Thursday, August 19, 2010

Keeping Ryan Occupied


Thank God for Netflix.

Especially Netflix's "Watch Instantly" feature which is hooked up to the TV via the PS3.

And thanks to the Netflix Gods who came up with the sheer brilliant idea to load up the three seasons worth of Backyardigans episodes. At roughly sixteen episodes per season, I have forty-eight episodes ready to start within seconds. We only have three saved on the DVR, and if I hear the "Robot on the Rampage" songs once again, I might lose it. But with Netflix, he can watch "Surf's Up," "Racing Day," "Escape from Fairytale Village," and so many, many more.

Oh, and thanks to the Netflix Gods who grant unlimited access to the Watch it Instantly shows. Way back in the days, we were once limited to something like 20 hours per month of watching instantly. TGFN those days are over!

Other than watching Backyardigans, Ryan has been playing with LEGOs. Shocking, I know.

We've also discovered a shortage in Play-dough in the house, but thanks to an emergency run to Target, we now have twenty-four full size cans in a rainbow of colors.

And he's been coloring and drawing.

This one is my favorite. I think its quite good for a 4.5 year old.

At first I thought the two people were sleeping. But no. That's Alex on the left, and I'm on the right.

Ryan is flying up above his ship, at the top of the picture, in the center.

We've run out of his pain meds, but fortunately, we have one refill. I was a bit afraid I might run out in the middle of the night. When he wakes up at three am, screaming, its never a good thing, and it takes forever to calm him back down and get back to sleep. 

In other news, while Ryan has been convalescing, Alex is at gymnastics camp this week, with his friend Carson. Its at the Capital Gymnastics in Avery Ranch, further away from our house, but its such a nicer facility than the one close to us, I've stopped complaining. Even Alex is happier with it than the one on McNeil, and I don't think its just because Carson is there, either. Its huge - almost three times as big as the one we've been to in the past.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! It seems like it's taking a while for him to feel better, poor thing! I'm glad neither one of my kids had to have that done!



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