How we celebrated Alex's birthday:
Breakfast at Krispy Kreme, a HUGE treat since it was a school day and waking up at the normal ungodly hour is hard enough for me, let alone early enough to make it to Krispy Kreme before the 7:45 am bell. When we asked Alex what he wanted for his birthday breakfast the night before, I was envisioning, "eggs" or "pancakes." Not a trip to Krispy Kreme. But he was so excited about being offered something besides cereal or frozen waffles that we felt guilty, so off to Krispy Kreme we went.

For lunch, Carl and I joined Alex at his school. First graders are apparently offered "Courtyard time" twice a week when they are finished with lunch, and not even the fact that we were there was enough to keep Alex from missing Courtyard time. It was cute, though, so I didn't complain too much.
Here he is reading with his friends Gage and Matthew. They were in the same class last year together, but not this year, so the only times they can all be together is at recess and at the twice weekly Courtyard.
I then ran a gazillion errands, and went with Mom to pick Alex up at 2:45. We went back home, I dropped them off, and then went to get my much needed mani/pedi. I was a few minutes behind schedule, so I didn't think, and before I knew it, I had backed my car into Mom's car in my driveway.
It was horrible.
I'm thirty-eight years old, and I sat outside, cowering in my car with fear of going inside and telling my Mommy I had wrecked her car.
To give Mom credit, she handled it remarkably well. I took no photos of the cars. Maybe that ways I will forget about it and it will all go away.
Until my insurance rates go up, that is.
Oh, and even after I went ahead and got my toes painted all pretty for the next day, I managed to fall down about 5:00 p.m. when I was trying to run back inside when it started raining and break one of my toes, scraping off my lovely lavender polish and turning my tow all swollen and purple. So I get to wear closed toe shoes for some time to come.
We had six pm reservations at Kobe for dinner. We had first gone there about six weeks before for Carl's birthday, and this was Alex's choice for where he wanted to go for his family dinner.
It was just as much fun as the last time, possibly more so, since we had very special birthday to celebrate. (When you get to be mine and Carl's ages, its not as much fun celebrating as when you're seven).
They even gave Alex a special souvenir for his birthday, his own special chopsticks. He was thrilled.
Happy for the good stuff, sad for the not-so-good stuff!! Glad Alex had a good day at least!