Sunday, December 19, 2010

Gingerbread and Snowmem

The other day we pretended that I am the crafty sort of mom who can help her children make works of art out of a paperclip, a staple and some paint.

We made a gingerbread house. And I was rather pleased with the finished results.

 Now, before you give me too much applause, let me show you what we started with.

Yes, that's right. A prebuilt gingerbread house. Last Christmas we attempted to make one from scratch, and a few hours later, nothing was standing, tears were shed by all family members, tempers were flaring, and no one was happy. A rather horrible memory.

So I was a bit perplexed when the boys were all about making a gingerbread house this year. Do they not remember what happened? I could only decide it was so horrific that it had been blocked from their memories.

When I saw this box at Target, though, I knew I had the answer to all my problems, all for the bargain price of $9.99.

Based on the success of the gingerbread house, we also decided to get really wild and crazy, and made these snowman hand-print ornaments. Ryan gave some to his teachers at pre-school, and the rest will go to family members.

They were ridiculously easy - so easy that I even managed to do it without Carl's assistance. Put acrylic white paint on the boys hand, put an ornament into their hand, have them grasp a hold of it, and voila! The beginnings of a snowman. A few hours later, with the help of a sharpie, we had snowmen.

A good time was had by all! Talk about a Christmas miracle.

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