This weekends was the annual "American Heroes" celebration and airshow at Camp Mabry here in Austin. Happily, Team Danger was able to attend, and even more happily, Safety Captain Mommy did NOT attend. :)

But it would be remiss to not include the Boys' joy at being able to touch actual weapons.

Here is Ryan channeling his inner Grenade Launcher. Amusingly, he has no idea what it even does.

And look at actual tanks.

Here are the boys with Papa in front of the type of tank Papa used to help build back in Connecticut.

They also got to watch a World War II re-enactment. Now, that, I actually would have liked to have seen, History major with a thesis on women in the French Resistance during WWII geek that I am.

Alex's favorite part of the afternoon? He got to go 'hunting' for spent artillery shells from the WWII re-enactment. We are now the proud owners of six empty shells, which he is playing with like they were Legos. Oh joy.

*apologies for the quality for some of the pictures. Danger Daddy had the camera on the incorrect setting for a bit. ;)
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