Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Time to Clear out the DVR

My DVR is always bursting with the dozens of kids shows I've recorded for the boys, so whenever there is something really important for me to record, I have to triple check it to make sure it deletes one of their shows rather than deciding not to record mine. I've lost many a Glee episode thanks to my temperamental technology. 

So its time to clear out the 15 different Batman: Brave and the Bold episodes from the DVR, because April has several must-see record things coming up for me, all centered around my Royal Wedding Obsession. First up, William & Kate.

I know, I should totally be opposed to the fact that Lifetime television has put together an unbelievably fast movie about William and Kate's romance, manufactured from what I can only imagine is pure speculation centered around the 100 photos of the two of them taken together.

And yet...

After watching the trailer below, I'm almost more excited about this tv movie than I am for the royal wedding!

And of course we have all the other pre-wedding coverage on such hard-hitting networks like E!. Before, finally, on April 29, the big day itself arrives.

Even thought I'll be watching everything by myself, in the late night hours after munchkins are safely in bed, or in the early morning hours before America is awake for actual LIVE coverage, I still feel the need to dress up for these events. I may need to buy some new hats. I couldn't be seen in my own living room in the middle of the night wearing the same hat twice, now can I?

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