Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ryan's Christmas Concert

Thursday night, Ryan and his class at pre-school gave what has to be, hands down, the best Christmas concert ever given by a group of four year olds. Ever.* (*with apologies to my eldest son, Alex, and anyone else reading this blog, all of whom also gave, I feel certain, an equally greatest Christmas concert ever ;) ).

But seriously... I bow down to Ms. Pam and Ms. Lindsay. They have these kids performing flawlessly. Ryan did such a great job, because, as he put it to me later, "I kept my smile face on THE WHOLE TIME."

If either of my children are destined to follow in my footsteps as a lawyer or their grandfather's footsteps as a priest, its Ryan. He's a born public speaker and a born performer. Alex even admitted that "some people like to be up on the stage, and some people like to be in the audience... I was happier being in the audience watching Ryan than when  I was singing in Ms. Linda's pre-school class."

Sage words from my seven year old.

While I wait for Carl to find the software to reload the program that allows us to dump videos from our apparently vintage video camera, I'll make do with these photos from the night.

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