Monday, December 13, 2010

The Police Station

Ryan's #1 wish list item for Christmas is the LEGO Police Station. It normally goes for $100, so Santa wasn't so sure this was the best gift for Ryan.

Then last Sunday, Target came out with an ad that they had the Police Station set for $74.99. Its a cool set, and while Alex is usually all about the ships and the guys when it comes to LEGOs, Ryan is always after us to build him a house. So buying this spiffy police house, which his little guys can actually use and go in and out of the doors, seemed like a win-win. Especially at the reduced price.

Except that our Target was sold out. I tried another Target, a few days later. Also sold out. But at both of these stores, they had pretty stripped LEGO shelves all around, so for some reason it didn't occur to me that it was because of the price.

I decided to order it online, and get it shipped to the house. Sold out online at Target. Sold out online at Wal-mart. Sold out online at Toys R Us. Available online at amazon, but since amazon price gauges, it was now selling there for over $150.00.

I started calling stores. One Target told me they had it, but because it was a sale item, they couldn't put it aside. By the time I got there, there were none. I tried three more Targets in person. Two Wal marts. Two Toys R Us.

No Police Station LEGO set to be found.

Frustrated, by late Saturday night, when the sale would be ending, I gave up on the sale price. I waited for Sunday, to see the ads, and see if something else magical would appear. It didn't.

Defeated, I checked the LEGO site. They were sold out online, but had some in stores, at the regular price. The thought of paying the $100 killed me, but at this point, I almost wanted the Police Station set more than Ryan. And my time was easily more valuable than the $25.01 savings I was so desperately trying to achieve.

So over lunch on Monday, I drove to the LEGO store, walked right over to the "City" section, and magically, there it was.

Just one.

One large box, waiting for me.

If this were a movie, white lights would appear with angelic music playing. I had found Nirvana, in the shape of one very large police station LEGO box.

I grabbed it, lest anyone try and run up and pry it out of my hands, and walked right up to the cash register. I hand Max my VIP LEGO card, and find out that the set is on sale for $89.99. He asks if there is anything else I wish to purchase, because if I spend $100, I save 10% - basically giving me a $10 LEGO toy for free. I find a brand spanking new police bad guys minifigure set for $9.99, and just like that, 10% off.

I also received a free Pick a Brick Box so that Ryan can come back anytime January - March and fill it up from the mega wall. Value: $12.50. And I had $5 off coming way thanks to my LEGO VIP rewards.

Which brought my grand total, including tax, to $91.18, for the Police Station, the minifigure set, and the Pick a Brick Box.

A way better value than what Target, Wal-Mart or Toys R Us would have given me.

Of course, Ryan will never know just what I went through for Santa to get him the Police Station. But why should Christmas morning be different from any other day of the year?


  1. This is a great story. I'm so glad you found the police station and wound up getting a great deal. Carter is starting to get into Legos and my latest obsession is feeling around on the latest series of sealed up mini figures trying to figure out wich one is the surfer guy. I'm sure the folks at my HEB see me coming and know I'll be fondling the legos for hours. The things we do.

  2. I'm loving the image of you fondling dozens of lego bags trying to make out if it contains the surfer. Good luck finding him!
