Monday, December 20, 2010

The Loose Teeth

It finally happened!

Friday night, we celebrated the start of the winter holidays by watching "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" for the first time (there are only 2 PG Harry potter movies, the others are all PG-13, so this is the last one the boys will see for a while). We made some popcorn, and about 1/2 way through the movie, Alex comments, "I think one of my teeth is loose."

This is a pause-worthy moment. I have been, to put it mildly, a tad freaked that he hadn't lost any teeth yet. He was the only one in his kindergarten class at the end of last year who hadn't lost one, and he is also the only one in his first grade class who hadn't lost any teeth. And while this isn't the type of thing I need to get competitive about, all sorts of friendly, helpful parents have been telling us for the past year about how children have to have their teeth pulled when they don't fall out on their own. And we definitely didn't want THAT for Alex.

Carl, Ryan and I all took turns feeling the magical, wonderfully wiggly tooth, and confirmed that yes, indeed, it was loose.

About ten minutes later, he proclaims, "I think another one is loose, too."

Carl, Ryan and I all took turns feeling the second magical, wonderfully wiggly tooth, and confirmed that yes, indeed, it was loose.

So there you have it.

At almost precisely age seven and one quarter (to the minute), on December 17, 2010, Alex finally had two loose teeth. Alex was born at 8:10 pm on September 17, 2003, and the loose teeth were discovered in the seven pm hour on December 17, 2010.

His first passage into adulthood!

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