Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Invasion of the Mashmallows

Last Tuesday, we had our last official scouting event of 2010. (I say "official"  because Carl has all sorts of plans for Alex to do lots of electives and earn more bling in the form of belt loops and beads while Alex is out of school for two weeks and a day.)

Tuesday night was the Pack meeting, when all 15 (or so) dens of the Pack get together for the monthly meeting. As part of the meeting, the Pack held a Holiday Bazaar. Each den had to make something that was then sold at the Bazaar. Our den made these bug catchers.
Most other dens sold weaponry of some sort, the majority of them being marshmallow weaponry. It should come as no shock that our bug catchers were not a big ticket item.

For who could compete with marshmallow guns? Marshmallow sling shots? Marshmallow blow sticks? Marshmallow swords? Marshmallow "light" sabers? We had given the boys $10 each to spend, and they also each took out $5 from their piggy banks. Which gave them lots of money with which to purchase marshmallow weapons.

This was also the night they presented the boys with their awards for selling lots of popcorn for the Scouts. Alex had sold $628 of popcorn, which entitled him to a $20 amazon gift card, as well as, what else, one marhsmallow cross-bow.

So we came home with a grand total of five different forms of marshmallow arsenal on Tuesday night, as well as one very messy Carl since the top seller of each den got to throw a pie at their den leader. Our top seller was out, so Alex, as the second top seller, got the honors of throwing a pie at Carl. The other den parents all decided Nick should still have his moment of glory, so at the next den meeting, we'll make sure to have a second pie on hand. Lucky Carl.

The next few days were spent with lots of marshmallows being thrown in and around my house. Amazingly, nothing was broken, although things did get a bit "sticky" at times.

Friday was the last day of school for Alex before they broke for the winter holidays. To celebrate, the 1st Grade had a "Snow Day." Carl joined the class for hot chocolate and s'mores in the morning, and I went in the afternoon for "Make your own ice cream" and the Giant Snowball Fight.

The ice cream making was their science lesson, as they are studying different forms of matter. They learned how you can take milk and sugar and shake it around with some ice and rock salt for five minutes, and that the liquid then transforms itself into a solid, ice cream. I was dubious this would work, but it did, and the kids all had a great time shaking their bags of ice cream around. They were partnered for the shaking which made it all the more fun.

Next up was the Snowball Fight with all six 1st grade classes. Each child was given a bag of marshmallows and a plastic spoon, and they were to use the spoon to make a sort of sling shot and throw them across the way at friends.

Suffice it to say, all 113 1st graders had a blast. And I learned a very important lesson. The Jet-Puffed Marshmallows are way less sticky than HEB's Hill County Fare brand. Henceforth, our family will be exclusively Jet Puffed.

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