Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wedding on the Beach

October was the month of family weddings for us. First up, my uncle Bobby and Nanette.  They wanted a small, intimate wedding of just immediate family at the beach, and opted for Port Aransas.

He rented two wonderful homes for us to stay in - this was the biggest one, and the one where Ryan and I were lucky enough to rate a room (Carl and Alex were off camping at Webelo Woods, a big event for graduating Cub Scouts, or so I am told. Yep, still annoyed)

We were all told to wear white. Easier said than done, especially for little boys. But I think we did okay.

And I think the photos came out beautifully.

And speaking of photos, I volunteered to be their photographer when I found out they hadn't hired anyone. (I just don't get this... I L*O*V*E photos, so much I often want to hire someone just for my own normal parties, To each one's own, though.)

They did, however, get a beautiful cake.

Beach themed, and all.

We had a whole weekend of celebrating, starting with a clam bake for the rehearsal dinner.

 Saturday morning, Ryan and I spent down at the beach.

Along with some fun ATV rides.

The day was just beautiful, and the weather could not have been more perfect.

Nanette has two sons, 16 and 13, and my boys just love their new cousins. (So, technically, they are my new cousins, and first step-cousins, once removed, for my children, but clearly they are playmates for my munchkins. It all makes *somewhat* sense when you think about it. My mom, the eldest, is nine years older than her brother, the youngest, and he is nine years older than his new wife, who is nine years older than me.)

I was able to get some great photos, so here are a few more of my favorites.

We asked the minister to take a group photo of all of us, and I have to say, he did a pretty decent job.

And to end... the new happy family...

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow!! Beach wedding is always great idea. All these photographs seem so pretty and this beach themed cake is so beautiful. I am also looking for nice NYC venues for my wedding. Please suggest any.
