Sunday, August 3, 2014

Austen in Austin

Way, WAY back in April, I got together with good friends for a girls weekend here in Austin. We live all around the US and Canada now, and everyone was dying to come visit Austin. It was fun playing tourist in my home town, and especially in a way I don't do often with kids and work consuming all my time.

First up, since no trip to Texas is complete without a trip to Salt Lick, we headed out of Austin on Friday night.

Next, I've got some Bob Schneider fans, so we headed even further out to Luckenbach where he was performing. I figured you can't have a more Texas experience than a show out in Lukenbach!

When I booked a discounted group of rooms at our hotel, they had asked me for the name of our group. Unprepared and on the spot, I stuttered "Austen in Austin," since we all had a love of Jane Austen. This continued to crack us up all weekend long. Angela even brought us all some Jane Austen tattoos!

You'll notice a lot of pictures of food and drinks, because, well, why not?

It wasn't all eating and drinking our way around town, though. Lynne. Karen, Nancy, Lee Ann, and Laurie were all crazy enough to wake up and race the Capital 10,000 in the rain. I had good intentions of going down to cheer them on, but sleep beckoned and then there was the rain. (I'm a bad friend, I know)

We also made it out for a Totally 80s Sing-a-long Dance Party at the Alamo Drafthouse. Which is exactly what it sounds like, and a total blast for us gals who came of age in the 80s.

Here's hoping we don't wait another five years to all get together again.

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