Friday, January 17, 2014

Meet Scout

As part of Alex's birthday this year, we decided he was finally old enough to have the bird he has been clamoring for over the past few years. After a lot of research, Carl found a bird breeder who bottles feeds her birds (which is important), and we narrowed down our choices to a cockatiel. Alex's bird was born in the early fall, but we had to wait until he was able to eat on his own before he could come home with us. Finally, in December, Scout was ready to come to his new home.

Scout was a bit unsure of us at first, and poor Alex had a very traumatic twenty-four hours while Scout seemed like he didn't want anything to do with us. But it wasn't long at all before they were soon best friends. Alex simply ADORES his bird, and he is even planning on teaching him how to speak a bit. He takes good care of him, and he has quickly become an important member of our family.

I wasn't so sure about the bird. We've had a lot of, well, odd animals come into our house the past few years: the hermit crabs, the robo-hamsters that died quickly, the degu hamsters that are still going but are pretty boring, and Ryan's beta fish. But the bird is pretty adorable, friendly, and loves to be with people. He's quite sociable, and he loves to just sit on your shoulder while you do things. I draw the line at Carl cooking with the bird perched atop him, but I often find him violating the Annalynn Health and Safety Code. I'm the first to admit I was wrong about the bird. Poop issues aside, I love having him join us for family movie night on the couch, or for game playing at the kitchen table. Here's to the next twenty years, Scout.

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