Sunday, December 22, 2013

Living Texas History

Still back in November, we took a day to go visit Alex's baby bird who was still being bottle-fed and not able to come home yet (part of his birthday present). My friend, Barb, works at the Barrington Living History Museum, which is part of the Washington-on-the-Brazos State Park, and for years, I've been waiting for the kids to be at a good enough age to appreciate it. This seemed like the perfect opportunity.

Texas became its own country here, and we visited Independence Hall, where our forefathers all gathered to sign our Declaration of Independence.

Trust my husband to find out that directly behind Independence Hall is a geocache!

And if there is one thing Team Danger likes to do in a park, its a geocache. Or three or four. ;)

Then it was on to see Barb, who possibly has the coolest job of any person I know.

 She gave us quite the personalized tour, including showing us how to sort cotton seeds.

And split rails!

Team Danger was in seventh heaven.

 Dangerous tools and weaponry, and showing off our brute strength.

And walking (splitting?) in Abe Lincoln's footsteps. (and how appropriate that Alex was wearing his Lincoln's Hat t-shirt from the Smithsonian to split rails in. Could I have planned this any better?! Does anyone but me even notice or care about these small, yet horribly important and very crucial details?!)

It was so cool listening to the wood split, even after they had hit the mark. And when they were all done with their piece of split rails, they felt like real MEN.

 Feeding the pigs grass they pulled up from the ground was also a highlight.

Who knew?!

The Barrington Farm was the home of Dr. Anson Jones, the last president of Texas. After we visited the farm life and slave quarters, we saw the family home.

The boys were thrilled to find a checker board, which is *almost* as good as a chess board.

 I'm such a sucker for living history spots. Call me a history geek, but there is nothing quite like really "living" in history to make you appreciate where we have come from. And I couldn't be prouder to have raised two budding historians. :)

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