Friday, November 8, 2013

The Ninja (take 3) and the Assassin (take 1)

Much to my utter dismay, Ryan insisted on being a Ninja for Halloween. For the THIRD YEAR in a row.

Alex, at least, mixed things up by insisting on being an Assassin.

What is an assassin, you ask? Well, its not any kind of child sized costume, that's for sure. We searched every Halloween costume store and rental facility around for an assassin costume that would fit Alex. They always pointed us to the ninja section, which did NOT meet my ten year old's very specific criteria for assassin costumes.

He wanted this Assassin's Creed costume. Which retailed for $179.99. No, that's not a typo. There is a one and a seven leading that astronomically large number.

After conversing with other 4th grade moms (since "assassin" was the costume of choice this year), we found this XL adult sized costume  on amazon for $44.99.

 Enter my handy mother-in-law, stage left, who, bless her soul, completely tore this sucker apart and made it Alex-sized. Thank you, Chris!!!

Another necessary component of the Assassin costume - the retractable blade. Which was completely sold out at every single Game Stop in a 90 mile radius.

So Carl made one for him, and then decided the Ninja in the family would want one, too. (more on this in a later blog edited by him)

Ryan was happy with his ninja attire. After all, it was the costume of choice of every 2nd grader we met up with while trick or treating.

And I mean EVERY 2nd grade boy.

1 comment:

  1. At least Ryan is reusing his costume, so it's saving you a bit from the money that Alex wants to spend. :) Glad to see kids still Trick-or-Treating, no one anywhere in my neighborhood seems to do it. :(



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