Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 6, Part 2: Fireworks, Let Me See Your Colors Burst

As a I previously mentioned, Day 6 of our vacation was also the Fourth of July.

When I was planning this trip, I originally wanted to spend this day in Washington DC, and see the fireworks over the Potomac from our perch at the National Mall. I mean, how can you top this?

However, my other half, who isn't so fond of crowds, thought that being at the Mall, with tens of thousands of strangers, in the nation's capitol, with our two prized possessions, wasn't the best idea. And there was a part of me that kinda agreed with him. And then I started to hear good things about Williamsburg's 4th of July, and how it was more small-town America, but still over the top in a good kind of way, and I was sold. The Virginia Symphony Orchestra gives a concert on the Palace Green, and in previous years, you could buy a picnic dinner and seats for the symphony and fireworks for $55 an adult, and $25 for kids. Which was... way expensive, but I thought worth it. So I kept checking the website for info, and it was always forthcoming, and then it did finally appear, and the dinner was now a buffet, priced at $85 per adult and $55 per child. I just about wept. $280 for the four of us??? I don't think so. Unfortunately, at this point, all the good restaurants reservations were taken, so we ended up at the fairly horrific Huzzah! at our hotel (think TGIFridays). The day was very hot, everyone was pretty tired and beat, and my three men all decided they weren't going back into the colonial part of Williamsburg to stand around for three hours. I was a bit dejected at first, but after some wine, and a declaration from our hotel that their parking lot had the best seat in the house for the fireworks, we perched ourselves outside among the cars.

And damned if they weren't right.

Our view kicked A$$!

I've never been so close to fireworks, or seen such amazing ones.

And we got to sit down on the steps, and not on our feet.

And we didn't have to fight the crowds for the shuttles back to the hotel (our hotel shared a shuttle ride with the visitors center, where EVERYBODY who came in just for the fireworks was parking).

It was a win-win for all of us.

I may not have gotten my view of fireworks over the Governor's Palace.

But what I did get was pretty amazing.

Out of this world, amazing. Don't these almost look like a nebula or a galaxy exploding?

Up Next: A trip back in time to Jamestown, Virginia

Day 1: Blackbirds, Canals and Poison Ivy
Day 2: Antietam and Monocacy National Battlefields
Day 3: Gettysburg's 150th Anniversary
Day 4: Harpers Ferry National Park (and yes, that name is grammatically correct)
Day 4, Part 2: Shenandoah National Park
Day 5: Monticello
Day 6: A Colonial Williamsburg 4th of July
Day 6, Part 2: Fireworks, Let Me See Your Colors Burst

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