Tuesday, June 4, 2013

End of School Ninjago Training Party

Every year, our PTA hosts a Silent Auction to raise money for the PTA. Its held at our country club, its a big social event, and you can bid on everything from summer sailing camps, to wine tours, to weekends in Port Aransas, to ice cream with the teacher. And then there are the grade parties. Third grade had a swim party at Emler back in December, which was great, because I was able to drop off Alex and get some shopping done. Somehow, I was roped into volunteering to host the 1st grade boys party.

Fortunately, I know first grade boys pretty well, so the other hostesses and I quickly decided on a ninjango training party. We wanted to also make it a swim party, so we've been waiting six months for this baby to happen.

I lucked into my favorite part of parties - invitations, decorations and food.

For invitations, evite it was. But I customized one of their swimming evites to add in this ninjago picture.

For drinks, we just went with water. But it was special ninjago water, of course.

We also served fruit and chips, which wasn't too exciting, so I didn't take pictures. But I did take pictures of my ninjago cupcakes.

Carl helped a bit with the decorating. The eyes ended up being a bit too big in my opinion, but otherwise, I was pleased enough with how they came out.

And then I had ninjago balloons. I paid some nice soul $2.75 on etsy for a PDF of these eyes, and printed them on stickers. If we'd had more time, I would have let Carl produce it for me, but at some point, $2.75 is well worth 15 minutes of his time.

Not to mention two hours of my reminding him time to get the eyes made. ;) (love you, honey)

For activities, there was swimming, jumping on the trampoline, and the zipline. This wasn't at our house, any Ryan came home with serious zipline envy. "Why doesn't OURS go OVER the pool??!!"

Finally, it was time to make their own ninjago swords. Each boy picked a color for their sword based on what ninjago characteristic they thought they possessed. (or, in Ryan's case, he picked his favorite color, blue)

These were great for sword fighting with friends.

They even had a contest on the trampoline for ninjago fighting.

Finally, they had to raise their swords and recite the Ninjago oath.

All the boys had a great time, and it was a fun way to kickstart their summer.

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