Thursday, May 9, 2013

Roughing It

I'm currently roughing it at the Westin La Canterra in San Antonio for a conference, and reading about all my friends back in Austin on facebook who are meeting Obama and having lunch with Obama and whose kids are getting their kids casts signed by Obama, and feeling a bit sorry for myself, because, really, what are the odds that the president would be all over Austin on the few days I'm actually not there?

Anyways... like I said, I'm truly suffering with my Heavenly bed and room all to myself with no children and no husband, and a bottle of wine for myself, and some good books on my kindle, and a temperature I can control all by myself. So in that honor, here are some pictures of when I truly was roughing it, camping with Team Danger and not sleeping in a tent with a crappy air mattress and a snoring husband and lack of climate control. And no alcohol, since the Scouts frown on that, and really, WHAT is the point of camping with no alcohol?

So without further ado... photographic evidence that I went camping, in a tent, with a bathroom nowhere near me.

Knives are now allowed for Bears like Alex.

Not for Tigers like Ryan (watching Alex's friend carve with envy).
Ryan and the stick the boys hid one year ago. AND WHICH THEY FOUND.


Archery Time.

Alex and Travis, aka Hawkeye and Legolas.

Ultimate Frisbee Time.

Alex and den learning how to build a lean-to shelter.

Ryan's den building a lean-to shelter in their free time, because they liked what they learned to do THAT much. I love these boys.

Ryan and Derek.
Hawkeye Ryan (or is it the new Katniss?)

Tiger Skit at the Campfire.
Alex's Den's Skit
Retiring some flags - intriguing, but the cutting and burning of the flags took WAY too long.

And yes, I was up at sunrise and thought it rather beautiful.

This concludes the end of our camping retrospective. Now back to my wine.

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