Sunday, March 17, 2013


First of all, I'd like to thank Carl for keeping the blog going the past two months. Its been a long time since I blogged, and a lot has happened, and thankfully, he's made a good effort at updating our 'journal' of the boys here.

My grandmother passed away two months ago. It was a hard January while she was suffering and trying to hang on, and its been a harder February and March since she has left us. We're very grateful that she had Cheryl, Bobby, and my mom all with her at the very end. I've gone through a lot of emotions, and I'm somewhat drowning trying to keep up with the kids, home, work, and family.

I'm trying to think about the good times, and so here are few more of my very favorite pictures of her.

 We love you, BeBe.

Always and Forever.

Betty Jayne Caran Coffman
August 10, 1924 - January 25, 2013

1 comment:

  1. Annalynn, I was so sorry to hear that your BeBe had passed. Sending lots of love your way and praying that time will heal your broken heart.

