Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Follow-Up to Red Sneakers

The more I've thought about  Kate and William's matching red sneakers over the weekend, the more I wanted them.

I have a general rule in life. If I find something while shopping that seems too expensive or silly or extravagant, if I can walk away from something, and still think about it later, its meant to be, and I should go for it.

The red sneakers were meant to be.

So I started googling them.

Turns out its not so easy to find these shoes. I did finally comes across a brilliant site, What Kate Wore, who informed me that she was wearing Addidas Supernova Trainers (since sneaks are called trainers over the pond).

This other truly brilliant blog, hrhduchesskate, had even more information for me. They are the Addidas Supernova Glide 4 trainers, complete with a link to the shoes themselves, and a better picture, but they wouldn't let me right-click and snaffle it, so you'll just have to go to the site to see it.

BUT THEY AREN'T FOR SALE IN MY COLORS. And if I can't have THE red sneakers, with the blue and white soles, well, then, I don't want them.

However, there is a bright spot in all this sadness. Turns out that googling "London 2012 official sneakers" turns out all sorts of wonderful shopping options for me, all of which I absolutely, positively can no longer live one more second without owning.

Like these limited edition Union Jack ballerina flats.
And these Jimmy Choo "Alex" sunglasses! I mean, for the name alone... it is so meant to be. Talk about a Sign. (shame about the $275 price tag, though)

 Or this Alexander McQueen Union Jack clutch. Oh, all right, at $2,295, this is purely dreaming. But what can I say. I like to dream.

And then there are the affordable items. The Converse sneakers, of which I can choose from four different patterns.
And at $64.99, these are within the realm of my hitting the Add to Cart button. 

The only problem is deciding which ones I like the best.

 Oh, who am I kidding. It simply HAS to be the red sneakers.

1 comment:

  1. Love these red sneaker posts. And your screenplay idea is a winner. I'm planning on being Kate this year for Halloween and have already ordered my feathered fascinator hat, Princess Diana engagement ring, and Union Jack purse. I know Kate would never carry such a thing, but I think it will make my costume a little more obvious to those who aren't so into Kate. Thank you for the great Kate websites, they will help me hone my look.
