Friday, June 15, 2012

Grasshoppers and Scorpions

I love how each week of summer  is better and better for the boys.

The first week, they went to the YMCA camp at their school. Ryan's BFF was there, along with Jackson's older brother who is Alex's age. They've never had classes together, but are becoming good friends.

Ryan and Jackson are going to be in the same scout den next year, so they got to spend a second week at camp together in the "Grasshoppers" den, while Alex and several of his buddies were in the "Scorpions" den.

Last week, they went to Cub Scout camp. As Ryan is only just joining Cub Scouts, he needed to have an adult "akaela" with him at all times. Carl's parents volunteered a few days, and Carl and I rounded out the days.

So we were able to get a lot of good pictures of the boys having a great time. :)

No surprise, but their favorite activities were archery and BB guns.

Woodworking was another favorite activity, especially since Papa was volunteering at that station. Carl and his parents had pre-cut all the wood for these scout tool boxes since saws weren't allowed at camp.

The boys then put them together and painted them. Look how cute they came out!

It was hot, and Alex was just a wee bit obsessed with his new camelbak. ;) We didn't have to worry about him getting dehydrated! The water slide was another favorite activity.

They also played flag football, tball, soccer, basketball, and went fishing. Not a whole lot of fish, but Alex caught a small one. And Ryan caught a turtle, which traumatized him.

(fish, turtle, and traumatized Ryan not pictured)

Cooking (which consisted of making s'mores, or popcorn with mix-ins) led to yummy snacks every day, and arts and crafts let them get messy.

VERY messy.

But, after all, the theme for camp this year was "Digging in the Dirt," so what little boy doesn't love to get messy?

Post Script:
This was my favorite part of camp.

A nice, clean, somewhat-fresh smelling port-o-potty, just for the moms.

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