Friday, March 2, 2012

Valentine's Day

For much of February we've been fighting illnesses. The boys have had strep (again) and sinus infections (again) and I've had bronchitis. Hence the delay in these posts.

Valentine's Day was pretty low-key for us. I did minimal decorating - only this buffet had anything Valentine's on it. I'm still loving my Keep Calm printables.

Alex had to decorate his own box at home and bring it in, while Ryan made his in class.

Leslie gave me this great idea, and we made Alex an iPad box.

He also gave out iPhone Valentine's to his classmates, wrapped around a box of conversation hearts.

They came out so cute Ryan decided he needed to give them out, too, even though he had already brought in his LEGO Ninjago valentines. So Ryan handed out two Valentines. ;)

The boys had parties at school, and Carl and I split up the rooms.

While I was in Alex's class, he was in Ryan's class, and then vice-versa.

There's a lot of kinder/2nd grade families, which means there is a lot of shuffling down that hallway going on.

I wish the school would set the parties at different times, so you could go to both, but for whatever reason, they schedule all parties in the 1:30-2:30 slot.

The boys enjoyed their new books for the holiday, and I enjoyed my flowers at work.

I'm just sad I missed the guy who delivered them. He was dressed up as Cupid, and according to my secretary, he was wearing nothing but tight shorts and wings and was HOT.

Carl, on the other hand, thought it was a fine thing I missed him.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like everyone had a great V-day. The purple tulips are gorgeous. The delivery guy would have just been icing on the cake. Yummy icing : )
