Friday, December 16, 2011

Santa's LEGO Workshop

On Alex's Wish List this year:

1. Skylanders Video Game for PS3, and lots of the accessory pieces
2. Disney Universe video game
3. Air Hogs Remote Control Video Spy Plane
4. Electric Guitar
5. Power Ranger Samurai toys and video game

Noticeably, there are few toys. He mostly wants video games, which is truly a sign that he is growing up. :( Other than the electric guitar, he's getting most of these items between our gifts, Santa's gifts, Ryan's gifts, and grandparent's gifts. So all in all, he should be happy come December 25.

On Ryan's Wish List this year were no less than 38 LEGO items. I explained to him that he needed to pick a smaller number, or else Santa and his family members were going to be too exasperated to choose just a few for him.

So he narrowed it down to just five groupings.

1. The LEGO Death Star
2. Batman LEGOs
3. Indiana Jones LEGOs
4. Alien Quest LEGOs
5. Power Ranger Samurai toys

Now, the Death Star LEGO is $399.99. Plus tax. So no matter how hard Ryan prays and no matter how much he truly believes in the miracle of Santa, a Death Star will not be waiting for him under the tree on December 25.

The Alien Quest LEGOs are reasonable. They aren't one of the more popular LEGO sets, so I've actually been able to pick up the bigger sets at Buy 1, Get 1 50% off sales. The Power Ranger Samurai toys were also easy. I took both boys shopping, separately, so they could pick out gifts for the other one, and they both picked out Power Ranger Samurais. Pretty cute. I had to steer Alex away from a few items  but I think I did so discreetly enough.

The Batman and Indiana Jones LEGOS, however, are even more problematic than the Death Star. LEGO isn't making them currently, so the only place to see them are in the video games, in the LEGO character sticker books Ryan has, or on ebay. And the ones on eBay have been obscenely over-priced. As in, they make the Death Star look like a bargain.

I've tried to explain this dilemma to Ryan, so that his expectations are lowered. But Ryan has remained steadfast in his belief in Santa and his workshop, and always counter-argues with me that Santa and his elves can make any kind of LEGO, so it doesn't matter what they sell in the LEGO store.

And despite my legal training, I get stumped. How can one possibly debate with such a brilliant, well-reasoned, well-spoken argument?

Flash-forward a few weeks, and I find myself one lunch hour inside Toys R Us. I walk in the store, glance to my right, and what do my wandering eyes spy but... Batman LEGOs.

And not just Batman, but a whole wad of DC superhero LEGOs. Superman, Wonder Woman, Batgirl, Green Lantern, and some bad guys, too.

There they were.

On the shelf.

Just waiting for me and my American Express card.

For Ryan.

From Santa and his elves.

Just like he believed.

I was in such shock, that I think I just might even hear the reindeer's bells this year if the Polar Express stops by our house.

1 comment:

  1. I love this story and all that it implies : ) erica
