Friday, April 22, 2011

Dry Run for Easter

The boys are excited about the Easter Bunny's pending visit.

The other day, they were playing with our neighbors, Noel and Tatianna, and the four of them decided to hide the loose, unfilled eggs I had outside. They took turns, the three of them hanging out inside, while the fourth went outside to hide the eggs. There was some sort of contest as to who could find the most eggs in each time, but I was never exactly clear on what it was they won each time. More that I think they had the joy of hiding the eggs the next time.

And last weekend, we celebrated my Chris' birthday (April 15), Elaine's birthday (April 21) and Al's birthday April 22). Carl and I made the bunny cake, attempting but not quite managing to fully copy Erica's excellent bunny birthday cake.

We're off to Houston today to celebrate my mom's birthday (also today) and Easter. I've never traveled for Easter before since munchkins entered my life, and its not easy. Between the easter baskets, the eggs we have to hide, the cascarones ... its a lot to hide from little eyes in the backseat of the mommyvan!

1 comment:

  1. The bunny cake is outstanding! Very nice. I'm going to make another this weekend and have gotten ambitious with the icing color choice. Hopefully it wont be a disaster. Mindy and I used to "practice" hunting Easter eggs, too. Have a great Easter!
