Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Month of Tournaments

Last Saturday and Sunday we had a soccer tournament for the boys.

This Saturday, they had a TaeKwonDo tournament.

First up was Ryan, who is currently a Tiger Cub Red Belt. He did a great job, and came in 3rd place in his division. Considering that he was mainly competing against Tiger Black Belts (as there weren't that many red belts) I was super proud of him for achieving 3rd place.

Then we had a nice, two hour break before Alex competed. We were down in South Austin, so we went for an early lunch at Freddie's.

All in all, Alex did well. He was given a 4th place trophy, but its more of a participation award. Anyone that didn't place in the top 3 for either sparring or their forms received 4th place. So if he doesn't look that happy here, that's why. It was a tough competition for him. He's still a Level 1 First Degree Black Belt, and he was competing against all 1st degree black belts under age 9. So mank kids were older and bigger than he was. And he was the only Level 1 there - everyone else was either a Level 2 or 3.

Carl intentionally didn't participate because he had only just received his Black Belt, and was nowhere near being ready to compete against the other more advanced folks. But we thought Alex would do okay, and that in his age bracket, there would be plenty of people at his experience level. Turns out that was not the case, so next time a TKD tournament comes around, if the kids are just starting out a new belt level, we'll save ourselves the $75 registration fee.
Next up: the 3x3 Live soccer tournament for Alex on Saturday.

I wasn't kidding when I said November was going to be a month of tournaments.

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