Thursday, July 1, 2010

July 1

It was eight years ago today that we lost my father.

My graduation from Mount Holyoke, 1994.

1973, I'm wearing blue for some strange reason.

Dad's 60th Birthday, Las Vegas, 2001

Uncle Jim, Dad, Beau, 1999

Dad and I the night we saw Lucianno Pavoratti sing, 1999 

Beau and Dad dressed as young and old Obi-Wans for the ILM Halloween Party

Dad, Mom and I at Mom's cousin Edy's wedding. Dad performed the ceremony, and I was the flower girl.

And one of my favorite pictures of Dad, because he has his hands clasped as he so often did.
Such a Dad thing.

We miss you, Poptarts.


  1. Annalynn,
    What a horrible tragedy it was for the world to lose such a kind, thoughtful, wonderful man like your Dad. I have very fond memories of him. My heart breaks for you and your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you all today and always.

  2. Annalynn,
    It broke my heart when I found out you'd lost your dad. He was one of those people who truly did make the world a better place. He will always have a special place in my heart. I can't imagine how much you must miss him. Love, erica

  3. Brice G. Cox, Jr.July 1, 2010 at 3:39 PM

    Hard to imagine that this day crept on me without any forethought. But I woke up in the most off putting mood one could imagine. Funny how the subconscious works. Thanks for posting this Anna. Love the pics!

    Miss you daddy!

    In honor of him I'm off to go see either Airbender or Twilight. Airbender makes sense due to the subject matter, Twilight, well, I assume anyone who reads this blog already knows why that's on my list.

    Then it's dad's pan seared chicken and rice for dinner (first time for the girls!)

    Love you Anna!


  4. Thanks for your kind words, Mindy and Erica. It means a lot. :)

    Beau, WELL... I am, natch, going to have to put in a plug for 'Eclipse.' I know that the vampire/werewolf thing wouldn't have been Dad's cup of tea per se, but I think the overall message and romance would have made it one of his kind of movies.
    As for the chicken and rice, enjoy! I must admit a bit of suprise this is only the first time you are cooking it for L&A, but I'll give you a break since Robyn does most of the cooking. ;) We're going to try the Macaroni Grill tonight, since most other favorites of his are closed now.
    I've had an equally rotten day, and can't wait for it to end. If Tim wasn't on vacation and Sharon didn't have an appointment, I would have left work hours ago. Its one of those days that I have to remind myself why I'm working. Oh, if only I were off to see Eclipse again!
