Wednesday, June 9, 2010

TKD Testing and Connor's Birthday

I'm a week late with this post!

Team Danger tested for their new belts in TaeKwonDo last Saturday morning, and all passed.

Ryan did an excellent job testing for his Green Belt tiger Cub belt. I could hear his answers to all the verbal questions, which means he was nice and loud. And his "Yes, Ma'am!"s were loud and prompt, even if they were being said to Mr. Aherne, who politely corrected him each time that he was not a "ma'am." (The perils of Ryan mainly being taught by Ms. Hayden at Country Home.)

Alex was testing for his L3 Red Belt, and Carl was testing for his L2 Red Belt. The Red Belts all test at the same time, so Ryan and I watched Alex test. Alex was in a bit of a bad mood before hand, and at first didn't seem to be giving it his all. He had to repeat his forms - the first time he has ever had to do that at a testing. They get a maximim three chances to do their forms correctly, or else they fail. Fortunately, he seemed to realize that he needed to pull himself  together when they asked him to repeat his forms, and he rose to the occassion. He broke his boards without any problem, either.

After this, Black Belt, here we come! Its hard to believe he will be a full-fledged Black Belt soon, but assuming he passes next time, we're having a party on August 20th to celebrate. Interesting, because he started TKD in September 2006, so its almost four years exactly that its taken him to get here. Go Alex!

After testing, we went to celebrate our nephew Connor's 2nd birthday.

Here's the birthday boy with Grandma Chris and Grandpa Al:

The boys were excited to see Connor's birthday cake.

But they got a bit impatient as we tried to light the candles in the breezy outdoors.

Finally, it was time to sing "Happy Birthday" to their cousin.

And they (er, Ryan - Alex is a bit miffed he got what he got and is thinking of throwing a fit) were happy again!

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